
Thursday, July 19, 2018

As Individuals

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I appreciate your "Like" button which is always helpful, yet, please note that it is “COMMENTS” even if it is short that make a real difference. We should engage in a meaningful dialogue which we can all benefit from so we can be in a relative comfort zone. Also, let’s inspire each other.

"You were told that we all have this gift, which is so far from the truth. The “Hidden Codes” are specifically for “each of you as individuals” and not for the mass general population to share with. A selective few will assume they know because of their “ego” and will lie to you with a false answer. The answer is a puzzle that each of you in secret and not publicly must combine as one." ~ Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio #Gift #Truth #HiddenCodes #Individuals #Mass #GeneralPopulation #Few #Ego #Lie #False #Answer #Puzzle #Secret #One

All written work on Blogger or anywhere else are Jake Hollow/Gino DiCaprio, Copyright All Rights Reserved © 2007 -Present.

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