
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Humanity has overcome the hardships of war and natural disasters. There is one natural fear that seems to overshadow most men: the fear of rejection.

Although not every person experiences every impact, the fear of rejection tends to affect our ability to succeed in a wide range of personal and professional situations.

Sometimes we’re too concentrated on our insecurities. If you want some ass, a girlfriend, a wife, someone to love or to love you, then you must step up. So, you may be rejected a few times, yet nobody has died from getting turned down. The fear is keeping you alone and at home playing the one-hand play., and your fear of rejection turns women off.

The risk is a gamble, and sometimes you lose. Unless you’re willing to take some risks, you will never know accomplishment. Instead, you’ll be the safe, nice guy, and you’ll be a great friend to her while some other guy sweeps her off her feet. Expect to be rejected multiple times before landing your first date while keeping your eye on the prize.

Here is an excerpt from my book…

#JakeHollow #GuideOnHowToPersuadeWomen #MaleEdition #CliffsList #Mentor #Success #Winning #Results #Love #Advice #Quote #Relationships #Speaker #Author #RelationshipQuotes #Wealth #Successful #Coaching #Consulting #LearnFromMistakes #PictureoftheDay #QuoteoftheDay #Dating

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