
Saturday, July 21, 2018


It may feel daunting to suddenly welcome risk and failure into your life with open arms, so it might be best to start by thinking about the differences in risk. We tend to view risks as bigger leaps of faith with correspondingly huge consequences.

Resilience is our ability to adapt and bounce back when things don't go as planned. Resilient people don't wallow or dwell on failures; they acknowledge the situation, learn from their mistakes, and then move forward.

People generally adapt well over time to life-changing situations and stressful conditions. What enables them to do so? It involves resilience, an ongoing process that requires time and effort and engages people in taking a number of steps.

Whenever you face change, you are given an opportunity to grow, stretch and learn new skills.

Here is an excerpt from my book…

#JakeHollow #GuideOnHowToPersuadeWomen #FemaleEdition #CliffsList #Mentor #Success #Winning #Results #Love #Advice #Quote #Relationships #Speaker #Author #RelationshipQuotes #Wealth #Successful #Coaching #Consulting #LearnFromMistakes #PictureoftheDay #QuoteoftheDay #Dating

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