
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Think about the most inspiring piece of art you have ever looked at. Or the most powerful book you have ever read. Or the most moving play or movie you’ve seen.

Now, why did you find it so beautiful?

There were probably any number of reasons; it may have changed the way you thought about things. It might have emotionally affected you. It almost certainly stuck with you afterwards.

Personal appearance is an often disregarded part of communication and presentation skills.

It is human nature to make compromises.  All individuals change their approach depending on the people they meet and what they feel is expected from them.  Your 'on-duty' self, the one who functions in public, is different from your 'off-duty' self, the one concerned with home, family and friends.  Everyone has many and varied roles in life.  You can be one person and be a parent, son/daughter, brother/sister, friend, adviser, patient, client and consumer all in one day.

Here is a quote from one of my books…

#JakeHollow #GuideOnHowToPersuadeWomen #MaleEdition #CliffsList #Mentor #Success #Winning #Results #Love #Advice #Quote #Relationships #Speaker #Author #RelationshipQuotes #Wealth #Successful #Coaching #Consulting #LearnFromMistakes #PictureoftheDay #QuoteoftheDay #Dating

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