New lovers often promise each other
that they will be together forever. Unfortunately, the keeping of those
promises is subject to many unexpected challenges, even when they are genuinely
made. Unexpected crises arise in all intimate relationship that can eradicate
blissful expectations, and most new lovers caught up in the fantasy of
indestructible love, don’t anticipate them adequately.
Sadly, at some point,
disillusionment, defeat, and dissatisfaction may overcome any dedicated
partnership, and it can deteriorate into relationship burnout, the ultimate
outcome of continuing disenchantment.
One crucial factor in the way you
resolve your arguments, and the way you feel afterwards, is
"self-compassion." That is your capacity for being kind to yourself
and taking heed of your own needs and desires.
People with low self-compassion tend
to subordinate their own needs when they come to the point of conflict and
arrive at "compromises" that deal entirely with the other person's
needs and leave them unhappy. Higher-self compassion tends to lead to better
compromise and less emotional turmoil after the fact.
Here is an excerpt from my book…
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