
Sunday, August 8, 2010


Taken from

"The Universal Law of Creation: When You Seek, Ask, See and Truly Believe Beyond Any Shadow-of-a-Doubt Whatsoever, You Shall Receive!"


Secrets and Laws of the Universe

By Gino DiCaprio
Copyright ©

“If you seek to understand the whole Universe, you will understand nothing at all. If you seek only to understand your Self, you will understand the whole Universe." –Anonymous

This book deals with life in general. It shows you how to be at peace with yourself, how to accept that you have total control over your existence, and how you control your own perception of reality along with who truly controls it. I am a Spiritual Teacher who teaches you how to connect and create whatever you want. Although most of you (ninety-seven (97%) percent) seem unable to connect or create whatever you want, it is your birthright to command it. It all has to do with a Secret Society that entered our civilizations thousands (1,000s) of years ago.

I have gone though a metamorphosis. I see myself with a clearer awareness of my Higher Divine-Self. My thoughts have changed and this has led the energy surrounding me to change. I am finally at peace, and I feel joy and harmony. I have gone on many Spiritual journeys by mediating through trancing.

Only some have noticed my change; others may see it but don’t say anything. Nonetheless, I see it happening and I am enjoying being blessed with this wonderful journey that I am on and hope to continue by not letting my ego-self take over again. It’s like Mr. Spock of Star Trek (if you follow it) when he struggles to ignore his human feelings so that he can maintain his logical-Vulcan self.

I have become awakened to my Inner Light and am opening to new levels of Spiritual understanding and awareness. Remember that your understanding of being Spiritual may not relate to my understanding of it. Most people have this concept of Spirituality as expressed by Ghandi, Buddha or Jesus as peaceful. This was misunderstood by their followers and the mass. They lived Spiritual lives, attaching “love” to all of their thoughts, actions, and inspiration.

Do not misunderstand me; I do not feel that love should not be a part of the equation. Love of self and of others is the foundation for all that we do and all that we are as human beings.

The difference between how they express “Spirituality” and how I express it stems from my belief that “love does not conquer all” and it is not the direct solution to a problem. At times, being a “Spiritual Warrior” is what is warranted to solve a problem so that love can then solidify the solution.

What is the Truth?

The Truth is that the Truth is closer than you may believe. If you choose not to read further then it is your right since the choice is yours. You only choose to open yourself when you feel that you are ready. Do you not agree?

When you read this book, please have an open-mind. Read between the lines that you see and capture the messages that I have made an effort to send you.

Throughout my book, I have put secret information in codes that only a select few should be able to decipher. In other words, only those with the gifts will be able to understand.

Am I getting this from my inner-self, a Higher Source, the Supreme Being, the Universe, G-d, or whatever you want to call it or from any other belief you may have?

I will leave the answer to you in your personal belief.

The message I receive I understood as simple. This makes my words all the more credible, seeing as I am not highly educated in knowledge, I will not complicate things and will explain them simply. I will not compose elaborate sentences, which would be difficult to read for many people who are not readers.

What is the Universal Law of Creation?
How does it work?
Are you willing to find it and understand it?

Tell me, as well as yourself;

Are you hungry for it?

Respond to this question to yourself as if you were talking to me. After this, you can ask yourself;

Who am I?

You are a survivor; you are more than who you believe you are. You are stronger, wiser, more valuable, and much more than you believe you are. Any inability to accept who you are only holds back your full potential. You might have even studied every philosophical view out there and still not feel an improvement in your full potential, am I right so far?

All the things that you believe to have gone wrong in your life are not what you believe them to be. Until you finally see the Truth I present to you, you will continue on that same path, so read on to extend your full potential.

Things that go wrong in your life are an opportunity.

To this statement, you will most likely answer back with;

Why would you state that what goes wrong with my life is an opportunity?

The answer to this question is that life itself is working on “clearing” everything that has “not” been working for you. Yet you do not see it. Do you follow?

Life is just showing you how to re-start itself from scratch, thanks to this you will now have room to rebuild your life into “What you really and truly want.”

I am not talking about any physical desire. I am talking about our True Spiritual thoughts in the Spiritual Realm that have plans and do not interfere with our physical dilemma. The True Higher You picked the physical life you are living to acquire knowledge.

Life is not about focusing on what you do not want. You must always focus on what you want, even if it means that you have to start over to achieve it. Whenever this beginning comes to be, you have the potential to be in the better life you selected.

What do you “truly” want?
What do you want your life to be?

If you are a person with little confidence you most likely never truly made yourself want anything. Am I right? If not, then you are only lying to yourself.

You believe there are people in worse situations than you are, yet deep, deep inside you, you believe differently.

You feel you have nowhere to go.

If you feel this, let me tell you; you deserve another chance.

It can take a long time to accept this, but there are really good people out there who want to help you. Yet, you must first (1st) help yourself. If you cannot do this, then no one can do it for you.

You try to convince people that you are independent and do not need help. However, with the same breath you say, “No body helps me, they are focused on their life,” am I correct on this?

It is not important to understand the details of why bad things happen to you. All you must understand is that bad things happen for a reason. It can take a long time to accept this. You must first (1st) help yourself, only you can do this for yourself.

Now get back up, and get off that wide road you have been taking, and take the lost original narrow road that was always your path and your birthright.

The narrow road may seem dangerous yet it is not. In contrast, the wide road may seem faster and safer; however, it is not. The truth is, that road is just an illusion.

Before Creation existed it had to be Emanate . This was the moment before creation when space and time did not exist in the physical reality, which is just an illusion. What I am about to reveal has been hidden in symbols for over hundreds of thousands (100,000s) of years. In addition, every few thousand (1,000s) years “WE” share it with you, the mass population, yet only a selective few understand it. Only those who are in high positions, Spiritually, know about it, along with the few who have discovered it over the years. However, before I reveal more let me ask you;

Do you really believe this is the first (1st) time you have been in this physical realm?

All you have known about Spirituality is not what it really represents. What it truly represents cannot be explained in physical terms; you must become one (1) with it to understand the True meaning of Spirituality. All that you have believed has been altered and tainted too much to create your reality.

What you want out of life is all up to you, do you agree? You must believe this fact with unconditional blind faith. You must think and visualize as real, all that you truly desire together with a mental image of your wishes and dreams. You must touch it, feel it, sense it, smell it, and taste it as if it were real. As a result, this authentic desire will be in front of you and not out of your reach. Alter your thoughts to link them in your reality. You must feel its existence unconditionally deep down in your heart. Believe in what you truly want without any doubt or even the shadow of a doubt. Believe totally that you already have what you want. Believe totally that you deserve it, and that it is all possible for you. Whatever you do, believe it always and do not give up by just saying;

This does not work.

If in the past you have given up. I will put my belief to the test and say that if you had persisted, and believed without any shadow-of-a-doubt whatsoever in your desire; you would have achieved your goal.

Why do I write this?

I write this so that you become aware that deep down in your subconscious mind, you have doubts and do not fully see or believe what you want to make your conscious mind believe. Then you will be able to shift your thoughts and train them like other muscles in your body.

Personally, I believe “time” and “reality” are just “illusions” that you “created,” and caused “to exist.” I have believed and still believe in this concept. It was my belief even before I heard of Albert Einstein’s theory and his famous quote: “Reality is merely an illusion.”

The past, present, and the so-called future are all one (1) timeline; everything is happening simultaneously. Understand this as a fact. In reality, there is no time, so if you believe in what you want, then it already exists in your future. Therefore, as everything is happening at once, then there “IS” a version of you in a parallel reality that received what you really wanted and this reality exists.

Throughout my book, I will ask you to close your eyes at least once a day, just for several minutes, and visualize what you only want, not what you do not want. You must truly believe it unconditionally, as well as sense the feelings of already having what you want.

Feel grateful for what you already have and stay positive. Start your day, then release your wish to the Universe and trust that the Universal Consciousness will fully absorb and understand how to manifest your wish creation.

Believe in the reality you created in your mind while having the feelings that belong to reality. Like this, your source, the Universe, will attract this reality and make it happen, just the way you defined it in your mind. This must not be a one time idea, do it everyday of your life, in the same way you exercise your muscles.

Believe in your objective without any doubt or even the shadow of a doubt even if you have not yet physically achieved it. Do you follow? It may not happen overnight, yet it will happen. However this will come to be not when you expect it to be, but when you least expect it to occur.

Imagine you already have what you wish for; learn to play that game while making believe you have it until it physically materializes.

Make it fun. Feel it, feel good about it, and you will feel better about yourself. It will begin to flow into your life. The moment you have doubts you must immediately move them out of your mind and replace them with “positive thoughts.” This will change the outcome into what you want.

YES, I will repeat myself, throughout the contents of this book, so that what I write shall be ingrained in your being.

You will notice that I will always insist, quite rightly, that you as an individual must not take my word for everything I write, nor should you believe everything I teach. Instead, as should be done with any author, you the readers must take what you feel is relevant, or right, and leave the rest, but always have an open mind, do your own research.

Always feel happy, for you are emitting to the Universe your innermost thoughts and your life feelings that lie deep in your subconscious. Whatever you want must be feasible in your mind or it will not work. This is the reason why I always say; “In my heart I truly believe without a doubt or even the shadow of a doubt whatsoever that I am…” You can use this statement to express your own desires.

It is your job to “Ask,” “Seek,” “See,” and “Believe” that you are “Receiving” and feel pleased and happy at the present moment. Do not worry about how you will receive your desires. Let the Universe worry about the “details” in how they will happen, do not let it be your concern.

Change your behaviour, repeat day and night continuously, like a parrot, that you can change your life. Visualize life, health, and wealth how you want them and attach those around you respectfully in with that desire. Tell yourself; I CAN! and I WILL!

Make this your predominant thought for anything you want. Engrave in your mind that life, health, wealth, or/and a great social environment is not hard to attain. Believe it and immediately disregard any opposite ideas. This state of being comes from within, not from the outside. Say aloud with true feelings; THERE’S AN ABUNDANCE OF JOY OUT THERE AND I CAN HAVE IT!

Some people are only focused on the greed of superabundance, yet abundance is much more than just material wealth. Abundance is the flow of energy that comes to you from the Universal Source of life, represented both as a Spiritual sense and in material prosperity.

Love with wisdom and starve from knowledge, then you will see that you know your skills, successes, talents, and virtues; in the abundance required to fulfill your life’s purpose.

Energy is flowing freely through you, and it wants to materialize in superabundance. If you are not experiencing that flow of abundance then you have to ask yourself:


Is there something within me or around me that is blocking the abundant flow of prosperity?

Set your thoughts and frequencies on happiness, and not on material wealth. Make sure your actions do not contradict your desires and that your actions mirror what you expect to receive from the Universe.

You must fully understand that you unconsciously attract what you think about. When you truly love yourself in a “deep profound love,” people will love you as well.

You will bring to you more people, situations, and circumstances that reflect how you feel. What you attract will reflect how you truly feel at moments in either a negative or a positive environment. Do you really understand the implications of your state of being?

Learn to stay focused on the good side of yourself no matter what the outcome of the situation. Avoid those persons who oppose this positive way of thinking. They do so because of their own reasons and will do all they can to keep you off balance, set you in a negative state, or even try to erase your positive thoughts. You become a threat if the masses follow the “Truth.”

Other hidden groups will disguise themselves and have high positions in government and religion. Religious fanatics will say you are following the Devil or whatever evil belief they have, in the name of their G-d. They will make you believe that to be saved you must believe in their fourteen hundred (1,400) to two thousand (2,000) year old faiths.

Learn to love and respect yourself fully without being pretentious or acting conceited. When you truly love yourself, you will automatically be able to love others.

The only person who can make you truly happy is YOU. Only you are in charge of your happiness, not your parents, your children, partner, or anyone else. If you focus on complaints then that is what you will receive. Nobody can control your happiness; however, you have the opportunity to share it with everyone. Your joy lies within yourself.

When you think negatively, you are disconnecting yourself from the positive energy of the Universe. Negative thoughts are the cause of many of humanities’ conflicts, illnesses, poverty, and unhappiness. So, once again say to yourself aloud; I AM THE BEST THERE IS. I AM PERFECT IN EVERYWAY. I HAVE PERFECT THOUGHTS AND I ONLY SEE PERFECTION AND POSITIVE OUTCOMES IN MY LIFE.

Banish all negative, imperfect thoughts, and avoid people with negative energy around you including sources such as television or internet. Negative messages do not serve you.

We have the misconception of what “love” is, as it is mostly understood in a physical sense. “Love” in its physical sense has been over-rated since in the Spiritual Realm it is not even close to how we perceive it.

Remember that you are the Master of your life including your thoughts. The Universal Cosmic Consciousness will answer your every command. If you see negative events, make light of them and then let them go. Put new thoughts of what you want in your mind. Feel them and be grateful for them. You must train your mind to see all the possibilities of what is around you with a positive outlook.

You were originally sent here for a purpose. You are here on “vacation” from a Spiritual Reality endowed with the wonderful power to shift, control, and as a result create your life. There are no limits to what you want or can receive because your ability to think is unlimited.

Everyone will create their own version of their vision so you cannot push your viewpoint onto them. Consider the fact that you can attract immense Universal forces when you believe a statement like “Life was better years ago” or “The world has gotten more violent.”

I believe in sharing my well-being. I believe there is a super abundance of wealth for everyone to share. I believe in having loyal business partners, as in the round table. I believe you have the ability to choose what you really want to experience.

My mission is to empower and to share this with others, namely YOU. I plan to shape our wealth as one (1). This belief has always been around, even before time existed.

I have always been here. Only a few are aware of the reason and purpose?

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