
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chapter 4: Our Hidden Past, subtitle II The Next Level

Taken from

"The Universal Law of Creation: When You Seek, Ask, See and Truly Believe Beyond Any Shadow of a Doubt Whatsoever, You Shall Receive!"

Book III

Illuminatis The Ones and The Shadows

By Gino DiCaprio

Copyright ©

If you know how to look, you would see that the signs have always been here. You had to learn about the cycle of time. Time repeats itself, which is not the event, but of time. You are living in the end of another cycle, where a new cycle will begin.

Today you have forgotten how to count the cycles, as you knew in ancient time. In each cycles you changed, and adapted to your surroundings.

If you do not work together with others in this new cycle coming up, you shall not survive. If you should fight, then you will disappear like our Ancient Ancestor that were mostly more advance than you are now, because they didn’t change. You should not be competing against each other.

In each cycle, you change to the point that you do not even recognize your own world. This is another great cycle of time. You keep track of this through written records, just as our Ancient Ancestors did on different belief like religion verbally and hieroglyphic. They worked hard for generation from the past to pass it on to us, however, what was passed on to a selected few of us Chosen was all verbally, while our enemies later on rewrote them in words for their own agendas.

In this new cycle of time as you know, our world will be different, wholesome as well as feel unsetting. You will most likely transform into a new form.

If you can figure out numbers like our ancient fathers did, than you can predict time and links to things to come. The pattern of the Universe can be changed. For all condition will repeat, which now you can be aware. By measuring things, you can measure time.

They were a knowledgeable generation who personally witnessed together with experienced the greatest revelations ever to have taken place. Until that point in time, matter and Spirit were two (2) distinct entities. You were a being with psyches seamlessly flowed from your Spirits. No dichotomy existed between who you were and what you did. Like an innocent child, you were not self-conscious, since you were not divorced from your soul.

When you no longer wanted to follow the Ancient ways of life, yet wanted to look at negative energy as well as be at war with each other, was when consciousness and self-consciousness was born together with a new cycle that may repeat itself. So, by this, the physical reality became polluted with toxic self-interest, which devolved into the narcissistic source of all injustice and corruption.

With every powerful experience, comes an equally powerful resistance. Instead of humbly appreciating the moment, the people became self-satisfied as well as over-confident together with proceeded to stray. Simultaneously, you must be wary that the dark forces within your psyches will come.

We as Spiritual Teachers, Gurus, Life-Coaches or whatever we are called by, sometimes take our blessing with our special gift for granted and we can let our guards down. That moment can be our ultimate moment of truth, for it can demonstrate the type of person we may truly be. The noblest moment in a person’s life can be seen either in the time of great joy or in times of great lost.

Does your success bring arrogance or humility?

Will your grand experience cause you to worship yourself or will it humble you?

Will you with us, use your power to abort the toxin of self-worship together with self-interest that feeds the fragmentation of your life and of the Universe?

Will you with us introduce the power of unity as a result integration?

What you do at that moment will define your life. Millenniums ago our Ancient Ancestor worked hard and smart to let us know that they didn’t pass the test of the new cycle that only a few of us truly know, while the mass population only knows part of it from the Anunnaki, Maya, Yahwist, Elohist, etcetera, which, they got from a older civilization known only as the “Ones” and the “Shadows.”

My question to you is …

Will you pass?

A European Mediterranean dictator will rise with tremendous charisma, taking control. This ruler shall seize control of Europe. This ruler shall seduce the world, as a voice of peace, in addition will use the news media by hypnotizing most of the world with its political skills. This ruler will convince you that not only have you chosen a great leader, but a leader that possess a Spiritual Force. This ruler will truly bring negative energy instead and take your free will.

A voice in your heart and consciousness will warn you, however even a voice can easily be a trick of the subconscious.

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