
Friday, August 24, 2018


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If you have ever struggled with insecurity and low self-worth you’ve probably experienced first-hand that you can’t simply think or talk yourself out of these feelings. Even if everybody else tells you that you are a great person, when it comes to self-doubt, logic and rational thinking don’t apply. The root of our insecurities is anchored in our subconscious programming in the form of limiting beliefs such as “I am not good enough.”

Whatever negative thought you tell yourself goes straight into your subconscious and stays there as a belief. The only way a belief can be changed is if you change it on a conscious level, which is done by questioning those beliefs to make sure they are true—that is, whether they are based on fact or simply a “distorted” perception you have.

You must become aware of your personal belief systems that are ingrained in your subconscious mind.  To understand why you don’t have what you want, you must first delve into what has shown up and what hasn’t arrived that you would like.  There are nuggets of information you can use to empower yourself when taking an honest look at your current reality.

"Your self-esteem is ingrained in your subconscious. Therefore, if your self-esteem is low, it will always affect your self-confidence and your self-respect and will make you into who you are not. Work on all three, be in balance, do not sacrifice your life. They can only harm you if you let them harm you, do you follow?" ~ Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio #SelfEsteem #Ingrained #Subconscious #SelfConfidence #Respect #Balance

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