
Monday, October 29, 2018

Reflect Your Inner-Self

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"Changing a behaviour is hard. And quitting a bad habit or sticking to a new, positive one is challenging.

Often, we practice a new habit yet fail to stick to it just a few days later. On the other hand, when we quit a bad habit, it always seems to find its way back to us again. It seems like there is no way for us to adhere to a behaviour change for very long.

When we fail, it’s easy for us to judge ourselves." - Roman Brave

“When your behaviour honestly reflects your inner thoughts and feelings, you will feel real. If there is a serious pit between how you behave and how you feel as well as think, you are living your life in a false persona. Gradually, over time, the character you create will become larger.” ~ Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio #Behaviour #InnerThoughts #HowYouThinkandFeel #FalsePersona

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