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“Learning how to cope with self-defeating emotions as well as beliefs will increase your happiness as a person. If you truly want to reduce the amount of negative emotions in your life, then use logic and believe in two things. You control your thoughts; also, your thoughts control your emotions. Therefore, logic says; “You control how you feel.” Am I right?” ~ Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #LearningToCope #SelfDefeatingEmotions #Happiness #NegativeEmotions #LogicandBelief
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Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
The Audience Attention
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"You are individuality as a Seduction-Coach, Life-Coach or Spiritual Teacher as well as very few other Coaches will talk and express himself or herself as you do when you are speaking naturally instead of sounding monotone. Your sincerity will catch the audience attention, so do not attempt to force yourself in a mould as a result then lose your distinctiveness." - Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow #Seduction #LifeCoach #Audience #Distinctiveness
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"You are individuality as a Seduction-Coach, Life-Coach or Spiritual Teacher as well as very few other Coaches will talk and express himself or herself as you do when you are speaking naturally instead of sounding monotone. Your sincerity will catch the audience attention, so do not attempt to force yourself in a mould as a result then lose your distinctiveness." - Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow #Seduction #LifeCoach #Audience #Distinctiveness
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Monday, October 29, 2018
Reflect Your Inner-Self
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"Changing a behaviour is hard. And quitting a bad habit or sticking to a new, positive one is challenging.
Often, we practice a new habit yet fail to stick to it just a few days later. On the other hand, when we quit a bad habit, it always seems to find its way back to us again. It seems like there is no way for us to adhere to a behaviour change for very long.
When we fail, it’s easy for us to judge ourselves." - Roman Brave
“When your behaviour honestly reflects your inner thoughts and feelings, you will feel real. If there is a serious pit between how you behave and how you feel as well as think, you are living your life in a false persona. Gradually, over time, the character you create will become larger.” ~ Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #Behaviour #InnerThoughts #HowYouThinkandFeel #FalsePersona
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"Changing a behaviour is hard. And quitting a bad habit or sticking to a new, positive one is challenging.
Often, we practice a new habit yet fail to stick to it just a few days later. On the other hand, when we quit a bad habit, it always seems to find its way back to us again. It seems like there is no way for us to adhere to a behaviour change for very long.
When we fail, it’s easy for us to judge ourselves." - Roman Brave
“When your behaviour honestly reflects your inner thoughts and feelings, you will feel real. If there is a serious pit between how you behave and how you feel as well as think, you are living your life in a false persona. Gradually, over time, the character you create will become larger.” ~ Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #Behaviour #InnerThoughts #HowYouThinkandFeel #FalsePersona
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Saturday, October 27, 2018
Be Attentive
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#JakeHollow #BeAttentive #Bored #LeanBack #SlumpOver #EyesUnfocused #LeadForward #ActAlert
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"Always be attentive when a woman is talking to you. Do not make it look like you are bored, even if you are. Do not lean back, slump over, or keep your eyes unfocused; do not stop looking at her. Now think about it. You want to look like you are interested, right? So, lean forward slightly, look into her eyes, and nod, breath deeply, and act alert. Get rid of that bored posture." ~ Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow #BeAttentive #Bored #LeanBack #SlumpOver #EyesUnfocused #LeadForward #ActAlert
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Friday, October 26, 2018
Avoid Destruction
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“A country can only be destroyed if the people themselves just complain and sit around doing nothing. The only way to avoid destruction is IF you the PEOPLE rise up, take power, and apply pressure to Congress to take this much-needed course of action, to even go as far as to FIRE or PROSECUTE even your own Prime Minister or President.” – Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #Country #SitAroundDoingNothing #AvoidDestruction #PeopleRise #PressureCongress #FireYourLearders #PersecuteYourLeaders
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Thursday, October 25, 2018
Body Language
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#JakeHollow #CatchaWomansAttention #ArouseHerSenses #Taste #BodyLanguage #Rehearse #PerfectImage #Communicate
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“When you catch a woman’s attention, you must arouse all of her senses such as sound, sight, touch, smell, and taste. You must use your body language to its fullest. You will be required to rehearse every detail to ensure a smooth and perfect image of yourself. Often, you may assume that because you are “working” so hard to communicate, that she will automatically understand you. My friend that is so untrue.” – Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow #CatchaWomansAttention #ArouseHerSenses #Taste #BodyLanguage #Rehearse #PerfectImage #Communicate
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Wednesday, October 24, 2018
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#GinoDiCaprio #Accidents #EvertyhingHappens #YourOutcome #Opportunity #TakeAdvantage #FallDeep
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“There is no such thing as accidents; everything happens for the reason that leads to something that will affect your outcome. When this happens in your life, it is an opportunity for you to notice and take advantage of it. Sometimes you may fall deep, however;
Do you quit or get back up?” – Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #Accidents #EvertyhingHappens #YourOutcome #Opportunity #TakeAdvantage #FallDeep
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Tuesday, October 23, 2018
What People Have Gone Through
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“To start with a clean slate, you must dump the garbage out of past that is holding on to you by taking control of your life. What maybe gigantic and negative in your life to you might be small for others. You would be surprised as to what other people have gone through that they do not even discuss. The past is no longer real; your only reality is the present moment “NOW,” otherwise one compressed timeline.” – Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #Start #CleanSlate #DumptheGarbage #Past #TakingControl #YourLife #CompressedTimeline #WhatOthersGoThrough
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“To start with a clean slate, you must dump the garbage out of past that is holding on to you by taking control of your life. What maybe gigantic and negative in your life to you might be small for others. You would be surprised as to what other people have gone through that they do not even discuss. The past is no longer real; your only reality is the present moment “NOW,” otherwise one compressed timeline.” – Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #Start #CleanSlate #DumptheGarbage #Past #TakingControl #YourLife #CompressedTimeline #WhatOthersGoThrough
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Monday, October 22, 2018
Solving It
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“Life is only painful if you let it control you instead of you controlling it. You must confront it, head on, with the process to solve it.” – Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow #Life #Painful #Control #ConfrontIt #SolveIt
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“Life is only painful if you let it control you instead of you controlling it. You must confront it, head on, with the process to solve it.” – Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow #Life #Painful #Control #ConfrontIt #SolveIt
All “Comments” must reflect the subject on the “Post”. If you want to start a new “Subject” or “Post”, then don’t do it in the “Comments” section, but start a New Post from fresh.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Friday, October 19, 2018
"I" Infection
I have an “Eye” infection…
I talk about myself non-stop…
I did this…
I done that…
I know this…
I want this…
I have these….
People keep telling me that there is no “I” in team, however, if you look closer… it is there. The “I” is hidden in the “A”.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Pointing Fingers
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All “Comments” must reflect the subject on the “Post”. If you want to start a new “Subject” or “Post”, then don’t do it in the “Comments” section, but start a New Post from fresh.
“We live in a world where people like to point fingers instead of looking at themselves.” - Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #World #PointFingers #LookingatYourself
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All “Comments” must reflect the subject on the “Post”. If you want to start a new “Subject” or “Post”, then don’t do it in the “Comments” section, but start a New Post from fresh.
“We live in a world where people like to point fingers instead of looking at themselves.” - Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #World #PointFingers #LookingatYourself
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Wednesday, October 17, 2018
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"I’ve noticed the difference between a speaker who is at a convention that charges a low amount as an entrants fee per person compared to those that charge a much higher amount per person was that the clients who paid more wanted to fully listen as a result not oppose their point of views and contradict them." - Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow #TheDifference #ASpeaker #Convention #Event #Charge #Clients #FullyListen #PointOfView
"I’ve noticed the difference between a speaker who is at a convention that charges a low amount as an entrants fee per person compared to those that charge a much higher amount per person was that the clients who paid more wanted to fully listen as a result not oppose their point of views and contradict them." - Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow #TheDifference #ASpeaker #Convention #Event #Charge #Clients #FullyListen #PointOfView
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
In Our Near Future
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"What I foresaw in our near future is that time will be very difficult for many of you. You will have to adapt to a new consciousness of change, forced upon you in how you live. This will be the time when you will have no choice but to wake up." Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #Foresaw #NearFuture #Difficult #Adapt #NewConsciousness #Forced #NoChoice #WakeUp
"What I foresaw in our near future is that time will be very difficult for many of you. You will have to adapt to a new consciousness of change, forced upon you in how you live. This will be the time when you will have no choice but to wake up." Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #Foresaw #NearFuture #Difficult #Adapt #NewConsciousness #Forced #NoChoice #WakeUp
Monday, October 15, 2018
Saturday, October 13, 2018
While Life Is Beautiful
We are so focused on death, while life is beautiful.
The meaning of life is not death, but life itself.
Why I feel life is beautiful.
I focus on positivity and enjoying life. I believe that if you focus on negativity, you give it power and energy, and, like a cancer, it spreads. So, I hope that by spreading love and positivity, they will be present in my surroundings, my community, my district, my city, my Province (State), country, and the world. <3 o:p="">3>
#GinoDiCaprio #Beautiful #Positivity #Cancer #Focus #Love #World
Friday, October 12, 2018
"When you are out there attempting to pick-up women, you must first observe the place to see how the women are and read their body language. You must also observe the men see what mistakes they are making. This will help you along when you make your move." ~ Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow ##OutThere #Women #Observe #ReadTheirBodyLanguage #Mistakes #Move
#JakeHollow ##OutThere #Women #Observe #ReadTheirBodyLanguage #Mistakes #Move
Thursday, October 11, 2018
"Please Note: Only you can stop yourself from moving forward. These books should not be read silently, but "ALOUD" and each paragraph should, at some stage, be analysed closely and personally." ~ Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio #PleaseNote #OnlyYou #MovingForward #Books #ReadAloud #EachParagraph #AnalyzedClosely
#GinoDiCaprio #PleaseNote #OnlyYou #MovingForward #Books #ReadAloud #EachParagraph #AnalyzedClosely
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Trash Bin
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"Dumpers, are those who use your mind as a trash bin. Their lives never seem to work for them. They go from problem to problem, and they love to tell you, time and time again, about how their lives are falling apart. They blame others for their situations or claim that others have control over them." ~ Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow #Dumpers #YourMind #TrashBin #ProblemtoProblem #LivesFallingApart #Blame
"Dumpers, are those who use your mind as a trash bin. Their lives never seem to work for them. They go from problem to problem, and they love to tell you, time and time again, about how their lives are falling apart. They blame others for their situations or claim that others have control over them." ~ Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow #Dumpers #YourMind #TrashBin #ProblemtoProblem #LivesFallingApart #Blame
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Maintain Awareness
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"In the face of unpleasant feelings, you may feel as if you have no control, however, if you maintain awareness you can take action from a sense of calm. You can choose to experience the unpleasant decision in how you prefer to respond, from the range of available responses." - Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio ##UnpleasantFeelings #NoControl #MaintainAwareness #TakeAction #SenseofCalm #Choose #Experience #UnpleasantDecision #Respond
"In the face of unpleasant feelings, you may feel as if you have no control, however, if you maintain awareness you can take action from a sense of calm. You can choose to experience the unpleasant decision in how you prefer to respond, from the range of available responses." - Gino DiCaprio
#GinoDiCaprio ##UnpleasantFeelings #NoControl #MaintainAwareness #TakeAction #SenseofCalm #Choose #Experience #UnpleasantDecision #Respond
Friday, October 5, 2018
"Fear is a program that was created into your mind; it is as depth of emotion you experience during or after any single traumatic event and number of repetitions of a fear-producing experience." - Jake Hollow
#JakeHollow #Fear #Program #Created #YourMind #Emotion #Experience #TraumaticEvent #FearProducingExperience
#JakeHollow #Fear #Program #Created #YourMind #Emotion #Experience #TraumaticEvent #FearProducingExperience
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Friends since 1978
#GinoDiCaprio #RomanBrave #RomanDownBrave #Friends #BestFriends #Brothers #Love #Respect #Support #LookAfter
#GinoDiCaprio #RomanBrave #RomanDownBrave #Friends #BestFriends #Brothers #Love #Respect #Support #LookAfter
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