
Sunday, July 22, 2018


Just because you may have Unlimited Power to Create, this does not mean that you can manipulate other people as well! Each individual has the Unlimited Power to Create their version of reality over themselves and their own experiences.

Imposing your will of “love” onto someone else so that they will love you, the vibrations that you will be sending out into the Universe will be those of lack, loneliness, low self-esteem, etc. All you will attract are more opportunities to continue to feel that way.

Most people who learn great things or become “enlightened” immediately want to start spreading the news. They want other people to know what they know, and by educating the masses, will be doing their part to make the world a better place. Here’s the thing, though: People will only attract the knowledge of better days and levels of enlightenment when they are ready to. The fact that you understand the "enlightenment" is entirely irrelevant for someone who isn’t ready to learn about it or pretend to know about it.

It isn’t that our thoughts don’t have a part to play. They help us to think about what’s going on. But it’s our emotional signature, our vibrational footprint, which is creating our reality, moment by moment. Once we get that and learn to use it consciously, with emotional awareness, we’re genuinely unstoppable!

Here is an excerpt from the third Chronicle…

#GinoDiCaprio #TheKnoWing #TheLion #UniversalLawofCreation #IlluminatisTheOnesandTheShadows #Mentor #Results #Love #Manifesting #Inspiration #Inspirational #Spirituality #Spiritual #SpiritualQuotes #SpiritualBeing #SpiritualAwakening #Awakening #Abundance #Success #Quote #Meditation #Awareness #PositiveEnergy #Gratitude #Motivation #Wisdom #Speaker #MotivationalQuotes #Successful #Coaching #Consulting #PictureoftheDay #Vision #Missions #QuoteoftheDay #SecretSociety #Illuminati #AncientAncestors #AncientOrigins

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