
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Civilized Society

“What is considered ‘right’ today will be ‘wrong’ tomorrow, and what may look ‘wrong’ today will be ‘right’ all along. We believe that we live in a civilized society, but so did the Romans.” ~ Gino DiCaprio

The excerpt is taken from “The Universal Law of Creation, Chronicles: Book III Illuminatis The Ones and The Shadows ~ Edited Edition”

Copyright All Rights Reserved © Gino DiCaprio 2007 – Present

#GinoDiCaprio #TheKnoWing #TheLion #UniversalLawofCreation #IlluminatisTheOnesandTheShadows #Mentor #Results #Love #Manifesting #Inspiration #Inspirational #Spirituality #Spiritual #SpiritualQuotes #SpiritualBeing #SpiritualAwakening #Awakening #Abundance #Success #Quote #Meditation #Awareness #PositiveEnergy #Gratitude #Motivation #Wisdom #Speaker #MotivationalQuotes #Successful #Coaching #Consulting #PictureoftheDay #Vision #Missions #QuoteoftheDay #SecretSociety #Illuminati #AncientAncestors #AncientOrigins

The Perfect Woman

“Life is too short, and it should not be wasted on seducing or pursuing the wrong women. Your choice of females is critical; it is your set up for the seduction, and it will determine everything else that follows. The perfect woman does not necessarily have a certain facial look, the same taste in music, similar goals in life, or belong to the same age group. The perfect women will stir you in a way that cannot be explained in words, and whose effect on you has nothing to do with superficialities. She may have a quality that you yourself lack.” ~ Jake Hollow

#JakeHollow #GuideOnHowToPersuadeWomen #MaleEdition #CliffsList #Mentor #Success #Winning #Results #Love #Advice #Quote #Relationships #Speaker #Author #RelationshipQuotes #Wealth #Successful #Coaching #Consulting #LearnFromMistakes #PictureoftheDay #QuoteoftheDay #Dating

Monday, July 30, 2018

Cheaters, Liars, and Insecure

"CHEATERS Always Accuse You of Cheating.

LIARS Always Accuse You of Lying.

Liars and Cheaters Worry The Most About Being Lied To And Cheated On.

INSECURE People Will Put An Effort to Make You Feel Insecure.

Deceitful Manipulators are Dishonest and Expect You to be the Same.

Pay Attention to how people treat you it’s a reflection of who they really are."

#GinoDiCaprio #Cheaters #Accuse #Liars #Lied #Insecure #Deceitful #Manipulators #Dishonest #PayAttention #Reflection

Sunday, July 29, 2018

I Love

"All, everything that I understand, I only understand because I love." - Leo Tolstoy

#LeoTolstoy #All #Understand #Love

Great Stress

"Your life each day can be viewed as a stream of connected events, some positive, and some not. The negative events can cause great stress, but they have only the stress producing power over you that you assign to them. You do have the choice of how or whether you will respond or react to it, thereby influencing succeeding events and outcomes." ~ Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio #YourLife #Connected #Events #Positive #Negative #Stress #Power #Choice #React #Influencing #Succeding #Outcome

Victor Hugo

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." — Victor Hugo

#VictorHogo #Greatest #Happiness #Life #Conviction #Loved #Ourselves #Spite

Look Into Your Eyes

"I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes." — (Unknown)

#Unknown #You #Life #Eyes

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook)

"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever." —  Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook)

#NicholasSparks #TheNotebook #Love #Awaken #Soul #Heart #Peace #Forever

Friday, July 27, 2018

State of Affairs

The fact that matter and energy are the same things is probably the closest we can come to an explanation of how the Universal Law of Creation works.

Our current state of affairs, whether it is in the realm of love, money, or any other aspect of our life, is always serving us in some way. We are getting some benefit from how things are now, no matter how absurd that seems to your conscious mind. But, here’s the thing, the part of you calling the shots is your subconscious mind, and there are all sorts of crazy thoughts, and limiting beliefs, floating around there that sabotage you in countless ways.

When you set a goal or an intention and begin moving towards it much more slowly than you’d like, the drag you experience comes from your fears, not the external world. If you put all your energy into changing your external circumstances without addressing your concerns, your progress will be plodding, if you even move at all.

Here is an excerpt from the second Chronicle…

#GinoDiCaprio #TheLion #TheKnoWing #UniversalLawofCreation #TimeIsAnIllusion #Mentor #Results #Love #Manifesting #Inspiration #Inspirational #Spirituality #Spiritual #SpiritualQuotes #SpiritualBeing #SpiritualAwakening #Awakening #Abundance #Success #Quote #Meditation #Awareness #PositiveEnergy #Gratitude #Motivation #Wisdom #Speaker #MotivationalQuotes #Successful #Coaching #Consulting #PictureoftheDay #Vision #Missions #Soulmate #Twinflame #Kindred #QuoteoftheDay

The Fine Line

Toxic people figured out a long time ago that decent people will go to extraordinary lengths to keep the people they care about happy. If your attempts to please aren’t working or aren’t lasting for very long, maybe it’s time to stop. Walk away and come back when the mood has shifted. You are not responsible for anybody else’s feelings. If you have done something unknowingly to hurt somebody, ask, talk about it and if need be, apologies. At any rate, you shouldn’t have to guess.

Intimate partners must always negotiate the fine line between nurturing and controlling. Some of the most damaging behaviours in relationships occur when a partner deliberately, habitually misuses trust to step over the line into controlling the other. Manipulation is always an abuse of power, but the collision of one partner's sinister intent with the other's assumption of positive regard can be particularly destabilizing.

Some people can’t be pleased, and some people won’t be good for you, and many times that will have nothing to do with you. You can always say no to unnecessary crazy. Be confident and own your own faults, your quirks and the things that make you shine. You don’t need anyone’s approval but remember if someone is working hard to manipulate, it’s because probably because they need yours. You don’t always have to give it but if you do, don’t let the cost be too high.

Here is an excerpt from my book…

#JakeHollow #GuideOnHowToPersuadeWomen #FemaleEdition #CliffsList #Mentor #Success #Winning #Results #Love #Advice #Quote #Relationships #Speaker #Author #RelationshipQuotes #Wealth #Successful #Coaching #Consulting #LearnFromMistakes #PictureoftheDay #QuoteoftheDay #Dating

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Thoughts and Feelings

As with all the Laws of our Universe, we understand that these laws do work, even though we don’t necessarily understand how to define them.

You must ask questions;

Do you believe you can influence your surroundings, so things happen FOR you?
Do you believe things happen TO you?

The truth is, your thoughts and feelings do affect the events that take place around you. A shift in your perspective and understanding of the truth about your relationship to the universe can begin to attract better things into your life.

It’s difficult to imagine that thoughts and feelings can have an effect on the world around us.

Here is an excerpt from the first Chronicle…

#GinoDiCaprio #TheLion #TheKnoWing #UniversalLawofCreation #SecretsandLawsoftheUniverse #Mentor #Results #Love #Manifesting #Inspiration #Inspirational #Spirituality #Spiritual #SpiritualQuotes #SpiritualBeing #SpiritualAwakening #Awakening #Abundance #Success #Quote #Meditation #Awareness #PositiveEnergy #Gratitude #Motivation #Wisdom #Speaker #MotivationalQuotes #Successful #Coaching #Consulting #PictureoftheDay #Vision #Missions #Soulmate #Twinflame #Kindred #QuoteoftheDay