
Friday, September 28, 2018

To Be Content

"I’ve learned just on Facebook alone how many lose control, especially those who use pen names as “Light Consciousness” etc.

My goal is two purposes;

• Teach teachers, and not students, to be content without being desperate to find a mate and then settling with whatever comes by because of loneliness.

• I plan to create Teachers who are complete being on their own without a mate, without the loving companion they seek. I plan to teach them to be at peace with themselves. This way when the time is right, the right mate will present themselves without the loneliness.

Find those with the “Gift” in the KnoWing and finding the artefact we are to combine as one to complete this mission I was given millenniums ago.

All of this is explained throughout all three chronicles." ~ Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio #LoseControl #Fakes #Leaders #Teachers #TheGift #TheKnoWing #TheChronicles

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Who Is Concerned Over You?

I genuinely appreciate your "Like" button which is always helpful, yet, please note that it is “COMMENTS” even if it is short that make a real difference. We should engage in a meaningful dialogue which we can all benefit from so we can be in a relative comfort zone. Also, let’s inspire each other.

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"I have seen and heard of unexplainable miracles happen for people in all “different faiths” as well as “beliefs,” which proves that whatever religion, sect of belief you may have, you are all one with the Universal Consciousness Energy. Which demonstrates that this Supreme Intelligence is not concerned over which belief you follow." - Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio #UnexplainableMiracles #DifferentFaiths #Beliefs #Sect #UniversalConsciousness #Energy #SupremeIntelligence

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Submerging Your Emotions

Please note that it is “COMMENTS” even if it is short that make a real difference. We should engage in a meaningful dialogue which we can all benefit from so we can be in a relative comfort zone. Also, let’s inspire each other.

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"Do not suppress negative emotions but rather that you should accept them, therefore let it go. Emotions operate every part of your life. Most emotions are submerged in your subconscious mind, so you are unaware of them, and yet they are very powerful." ~ Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio #Suppress #NegativeEmotions #Accept #Submerged #Subconscious #Unaware #Powerful

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Following Men

I genuinely appreciate your (y) button which is always helpful, yet, please note that it is “COMMENTS” even if it is short that make a real difference. We should engage in a meaningful dialogue which we can all benefit from so we can be in a relative comfort zone. Also, let’s inspire each other.

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"To follow, men will not get you close to enlightenment, nor will religion or sects. Only you can, once you find the Truth. Therefore, it would be necessary to meditate profoundly, intensely and fervently, to receive the Truth." - Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio #FollowMen #Enlightenment #Religion #Sects #Truth #MeditateProfoundly #MeditateIntensely #MeditateFervently #ReceiveTheTruth

Monday, September 24, 2018

Joy, Peace, and Love

Please note that it is “COMMENTS” even if it is short that make a real difference. We should engage in a meaningful dialogue which we can all benefit from so we can be in a relative comfort zone. Also, let’s inspire each other.

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"Love is the joy that comes from peace when we care about the benefit of peace, and the benefit of another person more than our own self." ~ Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio #Love #Joy #Peace #Benefit #AnotherPerson #OwnSelf

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Those Who Search for the Truth

I genuinely appreciate your "view" which is always helpful, yet, please note that it is “COMMENTS” even if it is short that make a real difference. We should engage in a meaningful dialogue which we can all benefit from so we can be in a relative comfort zone. Also, let’s inspire each other.

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"You should take into serious consideration the fact that the Truth is not manifested to people who lead a material life, devoid of Spiritual thoughts. Those who search for the Truth, and not those who are indifferent to it, are those who find it." - Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio ##SeriousConsideration #TheTruth #Truth #Manifested #MatrialLife #SpiritualThoughts #Indifferent

Friday, September 21, 2018


I genuinely appreciate your "LIKE" button which is always helpful, yet, please note that it is “COMMENTS” even if it is short that make a real difference. We should engage in a meaningful dialogue which we can all benefit from so we can be in a relative comfort zone. Also, let’s inspire each other.

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"My self-esteem helps me negotiate the best for me. I aim high rather than lower my requests and assumptions. Moreover, I seek to understand and manoeuvre the elements of the situation in order to reach a satisfying result for everyone. I know, furthermore, that I am the one most responsible for looking out for my own dreams and wishes." ~ Jake Hollow

#JakeHollow #SelfEsteem #Negotiate #Assumption #SatisfyingResult #Responsable #Dreams #Wish

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Various Incarnations

I genuinely appreciate your "LIKE" button which is always helpful, yet, please note that it is “COMMENTS” even if it is short that make a real difference. We should engage in a meaningful dialogue which we can all benefit from so we can be in a relative comfort zone. Also, let’s inspire each other.

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"There is no marriage since many of us have lived on the physical plain many of times in various incarnations, several mates. It is not likely that you will be permanently united with so many. I have been married many of time in various reincarnations, but mostly to one that has always escape me, which is my true soul mate that I merge within the Spiritual Plain. Soul mates only come together when the time is right." ~ Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio #Marriage #PhysicalPlain #Incarnations #PermantlyUnited #Married #Reincarnation #SoulMate #SpiritualPlain

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Trancing and Meditation

I genuinely appreciate your "Like" button which is always helpful, yet, please note that it is “COMMENTS” even if it is short that make a real difference. We should engage in a meaningful dialogue which we can all benefit from so we can be in a relative comfort zone. Also, let’s inspire each other.

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Trancing and Meditation are the same, but both are powerful practices that have been discovered for centuries for increasing focus, improving self-control and training the mental toughness necessary to navigate the ups-and-downs of creating your own educational path in life and being a leader.

The problem with meditation is many people struggle with it initially and fail to build a consistent habit of doing it, while Trancing is not.

"You can get more on these details from Steve Piccus and Roman Down Brave. Steve is a Master in trance, while Roman is quite good at meditation. If you decide to carry out these practices, take a vow to do it every day for a minimum of one month before you decide whether it suits you or not. Yoda, the Jedi Master on Star Wars, said." ~ Gino DiCaprio.

#GinoDiCaprio #Details #StevePiccus #RomanBrave #RomanDownBrave #MasterinTrance #Meditation #Yoda #JediMaster #StarWars

Monday, September 17, 2018


I genuinely appreciate your "Like" button which is always helpful, yet, please note that it is “COMMENTS” even if it is short that make a real difference. We should engage in a meaningful dialogue which we can all benefit from so we can be in a relative comfort zone. Also, let’s inspire each other.

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"To draw towards you the realisation and manifestation of your desires, you must first be clear and be fully aware of what those desires truly are." ~ Gino DiCaprio

#GinoDiCaprio #Realization #Manifestation #Desires #BeClear #FullyAware

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Secrets and Laws of the Universe - Audio Book

📢We're happy to share that "The Universal Law of Creation, Chronicles Book I Secrets and Laws of the Universe" has been distributed to all of the vendors selected on the Findaway Voices website.
I'm also happy to share 3️⃣0️⃣️ Giveaway Codes 🆓 which I will give away to support this audiobook launch. These one-time-use codes allow me to give free copies of my book to anyone I’d like, with a trade-off of your review. ✔️
As soon as you the recipient redeems the code (__________), you’ll be able to listen to the audiobook for free on Findaway’s Authors Direct mobile apps. Authors Direct and Giveaway Codes are only available in the United States.
My audiobook Giveaway Codes - Available for redemption in the US Only
Take advantage of this before they are gone.🔜
Send a private message 📩, however, make sure that you live in the United State.