
Wednesday, September 12, 2012


You can have one hundred or one million people read what was written by my hands, from a Higher Source, and most will come to the same conclusion. Yet, those who read it with their Spiritual understanding will not only get a different message, but each individual will receive a unique message geared only for their understanding.

Picture this as the Universal Consciousness whispering into each individual’s ears and giving each one a different message with different keys that
 lead to the same but individual place.

The Chronicles are completely written in “Codes.” It’s a cryptogram. When an individual cracks their ‘Code’, awesome Spiritual Forces shall be released; this Force will empower each individual and completely change their life and absolutely transform our world.

When you read and take the writing literally, you may assume that you understand it. But, if you compare it to other works, or believe you already know what it is talking about, or ignore the Hidden Codes, it becomes useless instead of the awesome instrument of Power it was meant to be, as written by Gracie Karlene Baxter.

There will be those of you who will claim that I am feeding the readers ‘Fear’; there will be those who say I’m ‘Inspiring’ people. However, that is not what I am doing at all. Do not “ASSUME”.

What is written is not from me but from a Higher Source and I should not be looked at as the source of wisdom and knowledge. I am but the Messenger who is delivering an encrypted, concealed message to the few who will receive it when it is the right moment.

~ Gino DiCaprio

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Universal Law of Creation: The Chronicles

The Universal Law of Creation: The Chronicles: "Constantine the Great in my original time line never existed until the end of 2007 when time shifted again. The only Constantine I knew o...

The Chronicles

"Constantine the Great in my original time line never existed until the end of 2007 when time shifted again. The only Constantine I knew of was in a comic book. 

Every time I return time re-start itself at the same moment as the previous. A new possibility of a positive time line is there. I have to find all those with the Gift so that the positive time line stays. 

I have seem human kind destroy each other more times than what your thoughts can even comprehend. I saw more Nuclear holocaust in each negative time line.

 Those with the gift to transform this time line to the positive time line will be discourage to read the Chronicles that were written through me. They will claim they already know and because of that, they do not have to read it. 

As in all those time line I could not save, it will happen again, and I will have to erase this time line and re-start again. 

You have been warned; however your over confidence will be your undoing, for those who have truly levitated and know will still read to receive more knowledge. They are willing to continue to absorb all and any information they can acquire even if it is one that they already know."